A famous statement created by William Shakespeare! Originally the statement is: ” To be or not to be—that is the question”. This question has been asked by Shakespeare, but the answer IS YOU.  The issue in this question is—we all are looking for someone else to answer it. We are the only ones responsible for our choices and actions, and I know we can blame other people for making us feel a certain way or causing us to do something. We even have an answer…“The devil made me do it.”

The strength of your answer; to Shakespeare’s question—will determine who and what you become in Life. Often we allow people tell us… who we are and to explain our potentials and limits. This is like looking in a mirror and wanting great responses from that same mirror. Too—many times we look into those faces around us and notice if we are accepted—it is as if their eyes are the mirror we look into for guidance and self-esteem. However—Stop Looking! It is correct to reach out for help and guidance when required. The old scripture is true! There is true wisdom in having counselors. The problem is that we allow those same counselors to limit us by say that something can’t be done or that we lack the required potential. Letting people guide us is great however; they should never govern us.

Our answer to this; “To be or not to be” question—must never rely on government, family or guru…’To be’ must be empowered by your heart.

Our answer “to be or not to be” will develop from our identity. This is who we think we are and our will to become. Do you really know yourself? Sad that ‘identity theft’ is popular today and if someone has stolen your identity, could you tell people you don’t know, who you are? If you were to describe yourself, would you a physical description or could you speak of who you are on the inside—your spirit—mind and body. Every day calls us to give an answer to the “To be or not to be” question with our actions. My  book; soon to be published—is called: “Using the Sugar and Salt Technique for Personal Wholeness and Healthy Relationships”. I answer identity questions. I know we discover personal wholeness and healthy relationships, when we answer to these three facts…our genetics…our upbringing and what you want to be in the future. I personally believe knowing what you wish to be is the most powerful and this understanding will place you on your road to happiness.

The genetic statement helps you see what your biological leanings are, while we do have many ‘biological proclivities’ humans often overcome biological deficiencies through determination of we truly want to become in life. The second is upbringing and what culture and heritage you are from, but the 3rd statement reveals your hunger and purpose for your life. So what is your answer— “To be or not to be” Why not ask? ‘Are YOU TO BE or Are YOU NOT TO BE!


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